Travers Stakes Day Late Pick 5 Horse Racing Picks w/ Ed DeRosa | The Notorious OTB – Horse Racing Picks (Ep. 136)

Travers Stakes Day Late Pick 5 Horse Racing Picks w/ Ed DeRosa | The Notorious OTB - Horse Racing Picks (Ep. 136)

Travers Stakes Day Late Pick 5 Horse Racing Picks w/ Ed DeRosa | The Notorious OTB – Horse Racing Picks (Ep. 136)

The holidays bring people together, so why would this horse racing holiday be any different? Ed DeRosa of Horse Racing Nation makes his first ever appearance on the show, and right in time for a big occasion! They give their best horse racing picks for late pick 5 at Saratoga on Traver’s Saturday! Come for the picks, and stay for the new sounddrop.

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