Podcast Recap
The College Football Experience (@TCEonSGPN) continues its 130 college football team season preview series with the Ohio Bobcats. Pick Dundee aka (@TheColbyD) & Patty C (@PattyC831) recap the Bobcats season last year and touch base on the current roster and this seasons expectations. Will the loss of legendary coach Frank Solich be too much for the Bobcats? Is new coach Tim Albin the right man for the job? Will the Ohio Bobcats continue to be a force on the ground? Will Kurtis Rourke be improved on throwing the ball down the field? Can the Bobcats defense continue to be a great scoring defense? We talk it all on this special Ohio Bobcats edition of The College Football Experience.
Make sure to check out The College Football Experience 130 college football previews.
Podcast Recap