Middle Tennessee Blue Raiders Season Preview | The College Football Experience (Ep. 731)

Middle Tennessee Blue Raiders Season Preview | The College Football Experience (Ep. 731)

Podcast Recap

The College Football Experience (@TCEonSGPN) on the Sports Gambling Podcast Network continues its 130 college football team season preview with the Middle Tennessee Blue Raiders. Pick Dundee aka (@TheColbyD) and Patty C (@PattyC831) recap last years season for the Blue Raiders and touch base on the current roster and this seasons expectations. Will Rick Stockstill get Middle Tennessee back bowling? What does the addition of Bailey Hockman mean for the Blue Raiders. Can Middle Tennessee get the ground game going? Did the Blue Raiders win the transfer portal? Will Middle Tennessee contend for a Conference USA title? We talk it all on this special Middle Tennessee Blue Raiders edition of The College Football Experience.

Make sure to check out The College Football Experience 130 college football previews.

Podcast Transcription


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