Saratoga Saturday 7/15/2023 Horse Racing Picks for the Late Pick 5 | The Notorious OTB – Horse Racing Picks (Ep. 125)

Saratoga Saturday 7/15/2023 Horse Racing Picks for the Late Pick 5 | The Notorious OTB - Horse Racing Picks (Ep. 125)

Saratoga Saturday 7/15/2023 Horse Racing Picks for the Late Pick 5 | The Notorious OTB – Horse Racing Picks (Ep. 125)

Two days of the Saratoga meet are down, and now it’s time for the opening Saturday of the Saratoga meet! The Wolf if back to give his horse racing picks for the Saratoga late pick 5 sequence on on Saturday. After overcoming the adversity of over sleeping, capping for the wrong weather, and adult life being so goddamn weird.

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